Our Mission

“Learning for Life”

Our mission of Wayne Community Schools Foundation is to support “Learning for Life” by working with the School District, alumni, businesses, and community to provide financial support for items not covered by the School District’s funding source.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Wayne Community Schools Foundation is to solicit, manage, and distribute supplement funds for educational purposes that may not be funded by the District. Funding is supplemental and does not replace or alter use of tax-based revenue.

The Wayne Community Schools Foundation also exists to enhance the interaction of Wayne Community Schools’ alumni and friends with the school district.

Goals of the Foundation

*To provide financial resources for programs and initiatives that aligns with the Wayne Community Schools strategic plan.

*To encourage academic excellence and “Learning for Life.”

*To promote community awareness and alumni awareness in education and the Foundation.

*Increase our scholarship opportunities for Wayne High graduating seniors.

*Establish meaningful relationships with alumni and community members that will assist the district in obtaining additional resources for enrichment of education experiences.

*Recognize our outstanding students, teachers, and staff for their commitment to educational excellence.

The Foundation at a Glance

The Wayne Community Schools Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization created to provide new and improved educational opportunities for the benefit of students, teachers, employees and residents of Wayne School District 17. We are a community-based and directed support organization, created to enrich the offerings in our public schools.

Wayne School District 17 has a tradition of providing a strong, sound educational program for this community. The Wayne Community Schools Foundation provides a vehicle for contributing to the continuance of excellence for our community and children.

The Foundation operates on a not-for-profit basis, exclusively for charitable or educational purposes, including the following:

To promote and support the continuing improvement of the educational program offered by Wayne School District 17.

To provide new, improved educational opportunities for the benefit of students, teachers, residents and employees of Wayne School District 17.

To recognize excellence and outstanding contributions to the educational program of Wayne School District 17.





The IDEA Project

Wayne Community Schools Foundation is pleased to offer teachers, counselors, librarians, and nurses a grant that will fund a project that will directly impact the WCS students. An award of $1500 is given….

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Alumni Spotlight

The Alumni Spotlight focuses on an individual or individuals that have given their time and effort in or to benefit the Wayne Community Foundation….

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We would like to hear from you. Do you have question or comments regarding the Wayne Community Schools Foundation? Here you can find all the contact information you will need to get in touch….

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Mike Varley, President. Kris Loberg, Vice President. Misty Beair, Secretary. Kimberley Endicott, Treasurer-elect. Rusty Parker, Executive Director. Mark Lenihan, Superintendent. Jason Claussen. Christin Lutt. Jaime Manz.  Kevin Peterson.  Becky Zavada, WEB. , Becky Barner, Music Boosters. Brandon Hall, Athletic Boosters.