Date(s) - 08/19/2016 - 08/26/2016
12:00 am
Tired of all the mini-fundraising sales that take place within your household throughout the school year? Frustrated with the actual portion of proceeds our students receive from their fundraising efforts? Last year, the community of Wayne generously gave over $50,000 to the students of Wayne Community Schools through fundraising sales that were coordinated within their programs, activities, and clubs. Of that $50,000, only $37,000 went back into the students’ program, activity, and club accounts. 26% of the funds raised went to pay for the expenses charged by the fundraising companies who supplies the product.
On August 19th through the 26th, the Wayne Community Schools Foundation and Wayne Community Schools is hosting the first-ever Gift-a-Thon to supplement the fundraising initiatives that occurs throughout our district. With a goal of $50,000, your tax-deductible donation will benefit all our students through district activities, programs, and clubs. The highlight of our Gift-a-Thon will be the Campaign Blitz on Wednesday, August 24th as our students will go door-to-door throughout the city of Wayne to seek donations. Ways in which you are able to donate are cash, check, online, and pledge. Online donations can be made at You can mail-in your donation or drop off your donation at either school building. Checks are made payable to the Wayne Community Schools Foundation.
Exclusions to this event are fundraising events that are coordinated through our booster organizations (e.g. Blue Devil Boosters, Music Boosters, and WEB), membership fees, and the Annual Alumni Campaign.
In an effort to streamline funding support for our school programs, activities, and clubs, please consider making a donation during the 2016 Gift-a-Thon.
Parent/Guardian Information:
High School students will be asked to go door-to-door seeking donations on Wednesday, August 24th at 5:30 p.m. The city of Wayne has been divided up according to your student’s Reading Period teacher. Coaches and teachers will be on site within their quadrant of Wayne to monitor students. Students will be paired up with another student in his/her class as they go door-to-door. There will be a 2:00 p.m. dismissal for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY. The 2:00 p.m. dismissal will allow high school students to attend practice and have enough time to go home to shower and eat. There will be a parent letter sent home detailing the Blitz Night and the week-long event. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lindsay McLaughlin.